The case of the serial rapist in the Waldo and Brookside areas has received vast amounts of media coverage and been the subject of many internet groups and postings. This is both good and bad. It gets the information out there, but it also propagates fear, irrationality and rumors. I wanted to both update you on the case and address some of those rumors. First, the status of the case:
Five women have been raped in their homes in the Waldo and Brookside areas from Sept. 29, 2009, to Feb. 22 of this year. All the women lived alone and were home alone at the time. We have dedicated 10 detectives and three sergeants to investigate the case full time. To date, we have received 434 tips, and detectives are looking into every one of them. We also have culled lots of evidence from the scene of each sexual assault, and the scientists at our Crime Lab are busy examining and processing that evidence.
Our Metro Patrol Division officers are conducting extra patrols in the area. Officers who are not on another call or are not geographically far away have been going through the streets of Waldo and Brookside. The Metro Patrol Community Interaction Officer and other CIOs have received hundreds of requests to conduct home security surveys, and we’re training additional officers to help conduct those. Our officers continue to meet with community groups and are assisting the Sex Crimes Section with anything they need.
Now, I wanted to dispel some rumors that have cropped up:
• Rumor: Police are looking for a dark blue Chevy four-door car.
Fact: Police have no suspect vehicle description of any kind. If you see someone in any type of car acting suspiciously, call police.
• Rumor: Police are hiding what they know.
Fact: Once we realized there was a pattern to these rapes, we immediately informed the media, put it on our web site and this blog and took a number of other steps to get the information out there. However, we cannot jeopardize our investigation by disclosing what evidence we have or what exactly the rapist’s M.O. was during his crimes. Disclosing too much information could not only make the suspect harder to catch, it also could make it harder to prosecute him. We are trying to balance releasing information that can keep the public safe (like letting them know the rapist has entered through unlocked doors and windows and reminding them to lock their own) with information that could jeopardize the whole case.
For reliable information on this case, keep an eye on this blog and at http://www.kcpd.org/.
Send comments to kcpdchiefblog@kcpd.org