Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Police partner with Kansas City Complete Count Committee for big Census Day event
The 2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour is coming to Kansas City from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, April 1, at the Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Center to talk to community members about the vital importance of participating in the 2010 Census on National Census Day.
Mayor Mark Funkhouser and other City Council members will speak to the importance of the Census at 11:30 a.m. Multicultural dancers and story-tellers will perform throughout the day. Free lunch will be available, as will the Kansas City Police Department’s Mounted Patrol Section and Kansas City Fire Department fire truck. The KCPD helicopter will land at about 12:30 p.m., weather permitting.
This event is part of simultaneous national and regional cross-country Road Tours in which participants can learn about the 2010 Census and the positive impact their participation can have on their community. Census data is used to allocate the 435 seats in Congress, and directly affects how more than $400 billion per year in federal funding is distributed to tribal, state and local governments and non-profit organizations serving their communities.
EVENT DETAILS: Thursday, April 1, 2010
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Center
3700 Blue Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64130
ON SITE VISUALS: Please stop by the 2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour to:
• Fill in a larger-than-life 10 question Census questionnaire with the actual questions from this spring’s survey.
• Record your story on a Portrait of America Kiosk
• Learn about the importance of the 2010 Census to your community
• Get some great 2010 Census giveaways
Police trying to find missing woman with memory loss

Monday, March 29, 2010
Dodgeball pictures
Victims of weekend crash, homicide identified

Friday, March 26, 2010
News vs. Blues tournament tomorrow promises epic dodgeball battle
Channel 5 has even created a short documentary outlining how they're preparing for the event.
In addition to watching meteorologists go head-to-head with detectives, an inflatable bounce house for children will be available, and so will the horses and officers of the Mounted Patrol Division, as well as the KCPD helicopter (weather permitting). Concessions will be available from local Boy Scout troops. Donations will be accepted at the door for the KCPD Care Team but aren't necessary to come watch.
I really want to thank the local media for partnering with us in this and many other endeavors. May the best team win!
(I'll post tournament photos on Monday.)
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Thursday, March 25, 2010
Watchful resident nabs burglar, helps solve 12 cases
He didn’t know it at the time, but Chris helped solve 12 burglaries because of his astuteness.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Officers honored for putting in extra work to keep domestic violence victims safe
KCPD implemented the Lethality Assessment Program in June 2009. This program requires officers responding to a domestic disturbance to ask the victim 12 specific questions about his or her relationship with the abuser. How the victim answers can trigger officers to call a domestic violence advocate from the scene and put them on the phone directly with the victim to arrange for safety planning or other services. But the North Patrol Division took the program one step further.
Sergeant Lawrence White said victims and domestic violence advocates have praised the work of Officers Shaw and Mahurin, and all are confident that the officers’ work will lead to reduced domestic violence incidents. The Special Victims Unit is reviewing the results of the North Patrol Pilot Project to possibly implement city-wide.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Alvin Brooks sworn in to Board of Police Commissioners
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wanted for murder of 7-11 clerk Gurpreet Singh: Phillip Martin

Friday, March 19, 2010
Agenda for Board of Police Commissioners meeting Tuesday, including swearing in of Alvin Brooks
Agenda – Tuesday, March 23, 2010
9:00 a.m. – 6th Floor, Board Room
1. Call to Order – Invocation – Pastor Dennis Dewey.
2. Swearing in of new Police Commissioner Alvin L. Brooks.
3. Awards and Commendations.
Certificate of Appreciation
Mr. Greg Bourdon
Mr. Thomas Babb
Certificate of Appreciation
Mr. Chris Jancich
Life-Saving Award
Officer William Hooley
Officer Wesley Lambright
Certificate of Commendation
Officer Kate Mahurin
Officer Kim Shaw
4. Election of Officers.
5. Approval of Minutes.
a. February 23, 2010 Board Meeting.
6. Mr. Gary White, City Auditor.
a. Monthly Status Report.
b. General Discussion.
7. Councilwoman Cathy Jolly - Committee on Public Safety and Neighborhoods.
8. CIMO Report.
Mr. Eric Bosch
9. Ms. I. Pearl Fain – Office of Community Complaints.
a. General Discussion.
10. Chief James D. Corwin.
a. Public Safety Sales Tax Renewal.
b. General Discussion.
11. Deputy Chief Nick Nichols – Executive Officer. a. Monthly Report OCC Investigations.
b. Focus Groups Related to Citizen Satisfaction.
c. General Discussion.
12. Deputy Chief Cyril Ritter – Patrol Bureau.
a. Crime Summary
b. Performance Report.
c. General Discussion.
13. Deputy Chief Kevin Masters – Investigations Bureau.
a. Arrest Summary.
b. Homicide Quarterly.
c. General Discussion.
14. Deputy Chief Rachel Whipple – Administration Bureau.
a. Personnel Summary.
b. General Discussion.
15. Deputy Chief Darryl Forte´ – Executive Services Bureau.
a. Bid No. 2009-11, Ammunition/Munitions Renewal.
b. Bid No. 2010-10, Ford Parts and Accessories.
c. FY10 Traffic Services Grants Reduction.
d. Budget Transfers for Fiscal Year 2009-10.
e. Budget Summary Report for the Month of February.
f. Jail Consolidation.
16. Director Rick Brisbin – Professional Development and Research Bureau.
a. Project #136, Revision of Procedural Instruction, Risk Management Team.
b. Proposed Procedural Instruction, Red File Targets.
c. Project #44, Revision of Procedural Instruction, Ambulance Calls and Arrests Taken to Hospitals.
d. General Discussion.
17. Mr. Daniel J. Haus, Office of General Counsel.
18. Public Comments*
19. Audit Committee Update.
20. Scheduled Meetings:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
9:00 a.m., 6th Floor, Board Room
Business Session:
Thursday, April 8, 2010
8:30 a.m., 6th Floor, Board Room
21. Ms. Mischa Buford Epps.
22. Chief James D. Corwin.
23. Mayor Mark Funkhouser.
24. Commissioner Patrick McInerney
25. Commissioner James B. Wilson.
26. Commissioner Karl Zobrist.
27. Commissioner Mark C. Thompson.
28. Motion to go into Closed Session.
29. Informational Items:
a. Crime Comparisons per Division
b. February 2010 News Coverage.
c. Academy Campus Usage Report.
d. KCPD Grant Summary 03/09/2010.
e. Status of Public Safety Sales Tax at the end of February.
f. Public Safety and Neighborhoods Committee Report.
*The Board will hear Public Comments between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. unless other matters are required to be considered at that time. Anyone wanting to speak during the Public Comment portion of the meeting is requested to sign in on the “Public Comment Sign-In Sheet” located at the Board room entrance. The Board will hear from members of the public in the order in which they sign the “Public Comment Sign-In Sheet.”
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Reward for information leading to capture of serial rapist up to $15,000
Police have received nearly 800 tips on this case to date and encourage you to call the Crimestoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477) if you have any information you think could help solve the case. You can also submit tips electronically at or by texting "TIP452" and your information to CRIMES (274637). You could be eligible for $15,000 in reward money.
Additional reward donations can be made to the Waldo Reward Fund at any UMB Bank.
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We're experiencing some technical difficulties...
12:15 UPDATE: Well, it's unfortunately taking longer than 5 minutes. Stay tuned.
I just wanted to warn everyone that the KCPD web site ( will be going down at noon today, hopefully for just 5 minutes. We're currently unable to update the page and are working out some problems and will reboot everything at noon. There's a possiblity it will be down for longer than five minutes, and if that's the case, we'll let you know.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Police investigating two overnight homicides

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Police to shut down roads for St. Patrick's Day parade
Several road closures will take place tomorrow to accommodate the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade that Kansas City drivers need to be aware of.
The actual parade will begin at Linwood and Broadway and go south on Broadway to 43rd Street. Police will block Broadway from 31st Street to 47th Street from 10 a.m. to approximately 2 p.m. Roads will reopen from north to south as the parade progresses.
Some roads will close earlier, however, to accommodate the parade’s staging area. Closures beginning at 8 a.m. include: Linwood between Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, and Broadway between 31st and 33rd streets. Police suggest Main Street and Southwest Trafficway as alternate routes.
Parking also will be prohibited on Broadway from 31st to 47th streets, and “Emergency No Parking” signs will be in place.
Information about parking and bus routes for the parade is available at
Kansas City Police participate in teen seat belt enforcement
The Kansas City, Missouri Police Department is joining with several other law enforcement agencies this week for an aggressive “Operation Safe Teen” seat belt mobilization to crack down on Missouri’s seat belt law violators in an effort to reduce traffic fatalities.
Nearly one in four Missourians still fail to regularly wear their seat belts when driving or riding in a motor vehicle. Teens are even less likely to wear their seat belts with only 61% regularly buckling up.
“Nearly every day someone dies in a crash in Missouri because they weren’t using their seat belt, and the statistics for teens involved in crashes are even more alarming than those for adults.” said Sgt. Grant Ruark of the Traffic Enforcement Unit. “Eight out of ten people killed in traffic crashes are unbuckled. Consistent safety belt use is the single most effective way for vehicle occupants to protect themselves from being injured or killed in a crash. We encourage people to buckle up and ‘Arrive Alive.’
For information on Missouri seat belt usage, visit
Victims of fatal fires identified
Just after noon on March 14, Kansas City firefighters responded to an apartment fire at 4020 Mill St. The woman who died in that incident has been identified as 86-year-old Consuela Rangel.
Then about 3 a.m. March 15, the KCFD responded to a home at 2859 Oakley St., where they found 10-month-old Deanna Lockhart dead inside.
Please make sure your home has working smoke dectectors, and change the batteries in those detectors every six months.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Officer struck by drunken driver
Few things in police work are ever “routine.” Something as normal as a traffic stop can turn into a life-or-death situation in an instant. (This happened last fall in south Kansas City). Once again, a police car dashcam captured one of these frightening moments, and the video is above (there is audio).
It was a little after 3:45 a.m. Friday, March 12. A sergeant had pulled over a drunk driver at 83rd and Troost, and other officers came on scene to help with the arrest. A 24-year-old officer was standing next to the driver’s door of the drunk man’s car beginning to take an inventory of the vehicle when they heard squealing tires, and another car driven by an intoxicated woman slammed into the first car, which slammed into the officer. You can see him being thrown to the pavement. It was an incredibly scary moment, but fortunately, the officer suffered only bumps and bruises to his right leg. He was taken to a hospital as a precaution but was released soon afterward.
This is yet another example of the dangers officers face every day and how dangerous drunk driving is for everyone on the road.
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Friday, March 12, 2010
Serial rapist is not in custody
We have received several calls over the past few days from people who heard we’ve arrested the suspect in the Waldo-area serial rapes. Unfortunately, this is only a rumor. We have not arrested anyone in connection with the serial rapist case. We are still following hundreds of leads and doing everything we can to get an arrest as soon as possible.
However, in the course of this investigation, detectives have questioned some people about their possible involvement in the rape cases, only to discover they were wanted on other crimes or involved in other criminal activity. We have arrested those people for those unrelated crimes and are pursuing charges against them.
Believe me, we will be the first ones to tell you when the rape suspect is in custody. In the mean time, if you have information in the case, call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS or the Sex Crimes Section at 816-234-5220.
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KCPD Spanish students volunteer under-cover
On their spring break from a 10-week Spanish Immersion program, 19 Kansas City police officers are clandestinely volunteering in schools and community centers with large Spanish-speaking populations this week.
This is the fourth year of KCPD’s Spanish Immersion program – a course that puts about 20 officers through the equivalent of four semesters of college-level Spanish in 10 weeks. The course is housed at Swinney Elementary School, 1106 W. 47th St. The class is intended to equip police with the ability to communicate with Kansas City’s ever-growing Spanish-speaking population. At the conclusion of the course, the top five officers in the class will be selected to continue their immersion in Morelia, Mexico, for five weeks.
This week, March 8-12, is spring break for officers in the course, but instead of relaxing, they have chosen to volunteer at Kansas City schools and community centers with high Spanish-speaking populations. However, the students and many of the community members they’re volunteering with don’t know they are police officers. They have been introduced simply as community volunteers who are learning to speak Spanish. Today, March 12, the officers will show up at their volunteer sites in uniform and reveal their true identity.
Officer Lynda Hacker, Spanish Immersion program coordinator, said the purpose of the under-cover volunteering is to build trust between the Spanish-speaking community and police.
“When we did this last year, one little boy said he never liked police before, but he does now,” Officer Hacker said.
At schools, the officers are assigned to one classroom and will stay with that same class the entire week and assist with everything from reading to recess. They’ll also be practicing their Spanish. At community centers, they’ll volunteer wherever there is need. The volunteer sites include:
Garcia Elementary School – 1000 W. 17th St.
Our Lady of Angels School – 4232 Mercier St.
St. Stephen’s Academy – 1001 Bennington Ave.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School – 2310 Madison Ave.
Alta Vista Charter High School – 1722 Holly St.
Don Bosco Senior Center – 580 Campbell St.
Guadalupe Centers, Inc. – 1015 Avenida Cesar E. Chavez
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Police seek missing woman

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Answers to some questions raised in ongoing serial rapist investigation
Police continue to expand their investigation of the man who has sexually assaulted five women in the Waldo and Brookside areas since last fall. To accommodate the ever-growing operation, the whole investigation was moved out of the Sex Crimes offices here in Headquarters to the City’s Emergency Operations Center. We're now working 733 tips that have been submitted as of today.
An investigation of this size is bound to bring a lot of scrutiny. A few points to make:
First, detectives have talked to literally hundreds of people in this case. That does not mean the people they interview are considered suspects, persons of interest or anything of the sort. It is their duty to track down every lead they find, and they wouldn’t be doing their job if they didn’t.
Second, in the course of this investigation and many others like it, police have asked the people they’ve interviewed if they’d like to give a voluntary DNA sample. This is a DNA buccal swab, obtained by swabbing the inside of someone’s cheek with a swab like a Q-Tip to obtain cheek – or buccal – cells for comparative DNA analysis. It’s simple and non-invasive. This is a very standard, routine, investigative procedure. We ask many of the people we interview in most sex crimes and homicide cases if they’d like to give a DNA sample, often to eliminate them as a possible suspect.
And finally, a word about the composite sketch. When we first released it, we put out this disclaimer:
A composite is not a portrait of one person, but a grouping of characteristics to put people into a category that narrows the search and eliminates other groups. It is intended to place the focus on a smaller grouping of individuals.
That is very true. The sketch is not intended to be a picture of the suspect. It’s to put together all the things we know of what the suspect looks like into one place. So please keep that in mind any time you see the picture. And if you have any information that could solve this case, please call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477) or the Sex Crimes Section at 816-234-5220.
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Police seek teen charged in double-fatality wreck

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Trial started today for man who assaulted police dog

Trial started at 9 a.m. today in Jackson County Circuit Court for 34-year-old Marlyn Q. Manning. This is meaningful to us because Manning is charged with not only felony burglary but also assault on a police animal.
At 10:28 p.m. June 2, 2008, police received a call about prowlers in the 10 block of West 79th Terrace. Officers actually saw the suspect – later discovered to be Manning – breaking out a home’s window and attempting to climb inside. When Manning saw the officers, he took off running. The officers on scene could not catch up with him, so they called in back up, the police helicopter and a canine unit to find the suspect. The canine officer and his dog, a Czechoslovakian Shepherd named Soty (pictured above), quickly tracked Manning down behind a building. But despite commands from the officer, Manning kept running, so the officer sent Soty to stop him.
Soty caught up and latched onto Manning, stopping him for officers to arrest. But instead of giving up, Manning proceeded to hit and kick the dog. Despite this, Soty continued to hold onto Manning until officers could place him in handcuffs. Soty’s human partner, Officer David Magruder, said he could tell the next day how sore the dog was from the assault.
Soty is a tough dog. In November 2004, a suspect was attacking Officer Magruder, and Soty came in to stop him. The suspect bit Soty, prompting a trip to the emergency vet and some time off to recover. In June 2007, Soty found a man who shot a KCPD officer and physically pulled him out from under a car in a garage. That capture was broadcast nationally on the TV show “COPS.”
But as tough a dog as he is, Soty got hurt when Manning attacked him. Soty retired last May and is now living the good life at home with Officer Magruder and his family, but he deserves justice like any other police officer assaulted in the line of duty.
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Reward increases in case of arson/homicide
On Feb. 25, 2010, Kansas City firefighters worked to put out a house fire at 4441 Wayne. After the fire was out, they found Scott's body in a bedroom. The Jackson County Medical Examiner ruled the death a homicide.
Anyone with information about the case is urged to call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477).
Monday, March 8, 2010
Downtown road closures for Big 12 Tournament start tomorrow
KCPD officer earns big military honor

Officer Jacob Barlow almost missed his big moment.
Officer Barlow is back on duty with KCPD but heads to Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska every few months to put in his Reserve time. He said he didn’t tell many of his fellow police officers that he’s the best Air Force reservist in the country, despite military bigwigs at the award ceremony urging him to brag about the prestigious recognition.
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Friday, March 5, 2010
Victim of deadly stabbing identified
The victim and suspect were arguing when the suspect stabbed the victim. The victim was transported to a local hospital, where he died hours later. The victim has been identified as 37-year-old Joseph L. Wilson of Kansas City, Mo.
The suspect was taken into custody at the scene.
Wilson's is Kansas City's 15th homicide of 2010 compared to 18 at this date in 2009 and 19 in 2008.
Tip A Cop tomorrow and help Missouri Special Olympics
Kansas City area residents can enjoy a delicious breakfast delivered by a police officer and support Missouri Special Olympics at the same time with Saturday’s Tip-A-Cop event at metro Corner Café restaurants.
More than 40 police officers will be at three Corner Café restaurants in Riverside, Kansas City North and Independence from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 6. Instead of their usual job of fighting crime, the off-duty, uniformed officers will be taking orders, serving food, cleaning tables and assisting the regular wait staff at each location.
At the end of each customer’s meal, officers will encourage diners to tip their “real” waiter or waitress first and then ask them if they’d like to make a donation to Special Olympics, the charity of choice for law enforcement nationwide.
Last year’s Tip-A-Cop raised $3,000 for Missouri Special Olympics at just the Riverside Corner Café location. Thanks to the generosity of Corner Café, this year’s event expands to all three of their locations and will include not only Kansas City and Riverside police but also officers from Independence and Liberty police departments.
This year’s Tip-A-Cop Corner Café locations are:
Riverside, Mo.: 4541 NW Gateway Ave.
Kansas City: 8301 N. Flintlock Rd.
Independence, Mo.: 4215 S. Little Blue Parkway
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Motorcycle officer who was hit yesterday recovering but not seriously injured
The latest update on the officer's condition is that he's still in the hospital recuperating, but fortunately, his injuries aren't nearly as serious as they could have been. He has a broken bone in his hand and many bumps, bruises and scrapes. He and all of us here at KCPD appreciate the concern so many of you have expressed.
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Reward fund in serial rapist case doubles
Additional reward donations in the case can be made to the Waldo Reward Fund at any UMB Bank.
TIPS Hotline call-takers encourage callers to provide specific information in their tips regarding possible suspect names, addresses, or specific vehicle and license plate information.
Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers Greater Kansas City TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477), TIPS may also be submitted electronically at, or by texting TIP452 and your information to 274637 (CRIMES). Information leading to an arrest in the case could be eligible for up to $12,000.00 in reward money.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Latest update on the serial rapist case in Waldo/Brookside
Police continue to offer personal safety classes. The next one is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 15, at the Central Patrol Division at 1200 Linwood. Because of the small meeting location, only eight spots are still available. To claim one, e-mail Master Patrol Officer James Schriever at Officer Schriever said if that class fills up, he’ll schedule another class. Last week alone, 225 people attended KCPD’s safety classes. That’s compared to two people in the same week last year.
Finally, there has been a lot of racial tension involved in this case. Rumors have flown around on social networking sites and in e-mails regarding possible suspects. Yes, the suspect in this case is a black male, but that does not mean every black man who frequents the Waldo area should be treated as a suspect. People should familiarize themselves with the information available and look for suspicious behavior that matches the information, not just skin color.
And remember, the descriptions victims have given police of the suspect include some very distinguishing features like pitted cheeks, a bald head and a 6-feet, 250-pound frame. They also said he has a deep, smooth voice. One said he smelled like smoke, and another said he smelled like exhaust fumes.
Stay tuned to this blog for more updates on the case.
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New Metro Patrol station garners praise
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Monday, March 1, 2010
Police seek mentally ill man missing since Feb. 26

Kansas City's top 20 crash sites of 2009
1. I-435 & I-70 | 107 |
2. I-435 & Front St. | 75 |
3. I-29 & Barry Road | 64 |
4. 75th St. & 71 Highway | 63 |
5. 5th St. & Broadway | 61 |
6. Gregory & 71 Highway | 59 |
7. 152 Highway & Flintlock | 56 |
8. I-435 & Holmes | 56 |
9. I-435 & 23rd St. | 56 |
10. 55th St. & 71 Highway | 55 |
11. Bannister Rd. & 71 Hwy | 53 |
12. I-435 & Wornall | 50 |
13. 71 Hwy & Red Bridge Rd. | 47 |
14. I-35 & Front Street | 47 |
15. I-435 & 87th St. | 46 |
16. I-470 & Blue Ridge | 46 |
17. 155th St. & 71 Highway | 46 |
18. I-35 & I-70 | 42 |
19. I-435 & 71 Highway | 40 |
20. I-435 & Bannister Rd. | 39 |